Friday, April 11, 2008

Dream On

This morning as I was getting up for work, Agnes rolled over and told me in a groggy voice filled with concern that she hadn't slept very well. The following conversation ensued:

Paul: Why didn't you sleep well?
Agnes: I was having some really bad dreams.
Paul: Oh really? What did you dream about?
Agnes: I dreamed that your mom died, and then we went out to dinner, and over dinner you told me you were a transvestite. And while you were telling me, the waitress told us that our car had been towed.
Paul: Don't worry, honey, two out of three of those things never happened.

Relieved, Agnes rolled over and went back to sleep. And I slipped on on my favorite pair of fishnets and stilettos and tiptoed out the door to work.

(Okay, that very last part isn't true, but the rest happened exactly as I described it here. Oh, and instead of "transvestite", she said "trannie")


Andrew said...

According to Simon, Dream On was a bad song choice for Michael Johns. But a good name for a post about dreams, if you ask me. Dare to dream, I hope this dream comes true, except the part about mom dying.

Susanna said...

That is a pretty intense dream. I'm not which part is the scariest.

gk risser said...

And just what, pray tell, is wrong with being "Trannie"?

Oh Paul and Agnes, I expected better from you...

Randi said...

You are so funny! You had Chad and I both laughing out loud. We can't wait to see your new place!

JAPAM Parker said...

Every day or so I check your blog, hoping to read something new. I have to say, yours is one of my favorites. Tell Agnes Hi. I hope everything is going good for you both.
Wish we could see you guys this weekend.
Take care,