Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Do You Know This Man?

We just got back from a quick weekend getaway to the beach to meet up with family. Highlights included flautas, a long bike ride with Nathan along a 60-mile section of the Tour of California route, hanging with Nathan and Marian, freezing cold ocean water, hearing about GK and Susanna's New York adventures, racing Maisie on the beach, and of course, this dude on the left.

This is Paul, and we have the same name. Other than a professional baseball player that I found when I googled myself (come on, you know you've done it) he is the only person I have come across with my same name. His parents took a gamble by giving him this name, because besides meaning "Little One," it can carry a lot of baggage. But Small Paul has transcended all that, and at one month shy of his fourth birthday, is much cooler than I'll ever be. I won't claim that I'm his very best friend (according to Paul, that title belongs to the starfish in the red bucket he's holding) but we are pretty good buddies.
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1 comment:

Susanna said...

If I had to share my name with anyone, I'd definitely choose him. What a cool picture. I was wishing I had taken a few more. Any news on a Utah rendez vous? Love to you and Agnes.